Friday, January 9, 2015

Whole Wheat Almond Butter Pancakes

So....a bit of a different take on the ol' blog today. Since becoming a mom, and now newly a stay at home mom, I spend much more time in the kitchen than in restaurants, much to my dismay. lemons to lemonade style, I decided to save myself from my daily afternoon pull my hair out stuck in the apartment winter boredom, and start listing my triumphant, kid friendly, kid tested recipes on this site....mostly, so I wont forget in my mom fog. It is still about food, after all. Here we go... Whole Wheat Almond Butter Pancakes.. not being much of a baker, I went online and googled a few different recipes, and created this one solely based on what I happened to have in my kitchen at the present moment, since it is snowing and 23 degrees outside right way in hell I am going outside, or even getting out of my pajamas for that matter. Here is what you need for about a dozen silver dollar sized pancakes: 3/4 cup of whole wheat flour, 2 tablespoons of raw sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 egg, 3 tablespoons of almond butter 3/4 cup of almond milk, Himalayan sea salt, coconut oil, and a nonstick pan/skillet. Warm up the almond butter enough to make it easy to mix, then combine everything and drop circles onto a coconut oil greased heated nonstick pan or skillet. When the pancakes start to bubble, flip them over until they are golden brown. Easy peasy. My toddler just ate five of these....FIVE! Seal of approval.