Tuesday, March 31, 2009


March 31st,

Ok......Jimmy's isn't a restaurant......but they serve food, so it counts! Jimmy's is actually a tiny little shiny silver food cart that parks itself on 72nd and Columbus, Monday through Friday during the daylight hours. I know, I know, it seems ridiculous to write about a food cart, but this one is special. From what I can surmise, it is run by Jimmy and his son. They are the only two in the cart every day. Jimmy takes the orders and the money, and his son cooks the food. They both have sweet eastern European accents. (At least that is what it sounds like to me.....but I don't know how good I am at deciphering these things.) Your food is made as you watch. It isn't sitting around in some bin. I am telling you it is good and.....there are always lines. The other day, I heard someone say they walked several blocks to find this food cart ......and they brought friends. I am personally addicted to the egg and cheese croissant. I mean it when I say that. I have eaten that one particular sandwich so many times that they ask "The usual?" when I arrive at the cart and once, they even gave it to me for free. It is always the best $2.50 I ever spend. Jimmy's is worthy of a space on my blog.

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