Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Focus!

Ok, I know this whole blog was originally devoted to its previous subtitle, "Mostly Manhattan Restaurant Reviews", but why limit myself? I've recently been re-obsessed with cooking food, not just eating it.....and cooking healthy, delicious food most of the time, so why not share that as well? I recently finished school, and am now a certified holistic health practitioner. I've been eating, and living healthier this last year, and it has changed my world. I stopped getting sick, I have more energy, and I went down two dress sizes. As I evolve, so does my blog. I want to share recipes and health tips, as well as give suggestions for great places to eat. I've renamed the subtitle, "Eat, Drink and Be Merry", because quite frankly, if you added shopping in there, that would be my ideal life. I make no apologies for this. Someone has to do it. Why shouldn't that someone be me? Enjoy!

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