Friday, August 20, 2010


Ok....its the end of the summer and all the basil is being harvested. to your local farmers market and buy it all up. Make pesto, and save the leftover basil by chopping it up and mixing it with organic extra virgin olive oil. Then, fill ice cube trays with the basil mixture and freeze. After they are frozen, pop out the little basil cubes and store them in the freezer to use all winter long. Here is an easy pesto recipe:

Garlic cloves
Organic cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
Pine nuts
Parmesan cheese (raw)- grated

Chop basil leaves and garlic very finely, or put in a food processor, and combine with olive oil. Add cheese and salt. Combine. Everything is to taste. I usually add two medium sized cloves of garlic to a small two person food processor and fill the processor half way up with the pesto mixture. Then I taste and add. You can always add, but you can't take it back out. Add the pine nuts in when you are happy with the pesto. They look better whole. That's it!


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